Internet necesario, pensamiento crítico necesario...

Internet necesario seems to be part of the increasing movement in citizen media based on the questioning around the credibility of mainstream media and the decision-making of the government. This project is an example of how civil society agrees to organize and reunite efforts to respond to a government that acts without consulting, and a press that doesn’t connect the public opinion with the leaders of the country. The result is an organization proving that Internet can be a tool to encourage criticism and engage people to current affaires. Thanks to movements like this, we can see how communities use technology to participate and open the door to think deeply about the strategies of their leaders and the opinions shared by the users themselves.

Phenomena like this one invite us to ask if interactive media can actually encourage critical thought and if this critical thought can refine information found through the Web 2.0. Internet necesario responds to the disinformation caused by mainstream media and the bad moves that were made by the government in terms of technology. As it was seen in events in which Twitter provided a lot of citizen information, advantages and limitations were also part of the discussions. Something also seen in Iran and Venezuela, for example, since there were lots of conflicts around the credibility of the reports made by people.

The force of the movement started by Internet necesario is its understanding of the necessity in choosing and curate avalanches of information; so Internet and its people can become a reliable source. This innovating way of creating and moderating direct attachments between the source and the reader can also be the start point of many other movements that could try to observe the Mexican approach to Internet. After this movement, Mexico’s government can be seen in an isolated position in what it comes to international goals for development in which access to ICTs has become a right.

Even if the movement had an objective limited in time, it should continue as one more way to organize information around the observation of government’s and mainstream media actions. Associations, NGOs, communities of researchers and even the press could create a chain of information covering many spaces of communication, since the analysis made by Internet necesario on the public opinion through Internet became a source of reliable information. At the end, Internet necesario has followers, participants, and readers that can also be interesting for regular media looking for new pieces of information and of course, more audience.

Their work underlining the multiple uses of Internet will be an asset, and some more could be added to reinforce their main point. From the numerous advantages in education to communities involved in online communication for development, Internet necesario could continue with the space they already earned inside the Web to promote projects and divulgate knowledge around the advantages coming hand by hand with new technologies, and defend Internet as a priority to take into careful consideration inside the Mexican legislation.


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