The Online Citizen is an online platform which aims to reflect the views and opinions of ordinary Singaporeans.
Posted by Sopheap Chak on Apr 23, 2010
The project below was interviewed during the first phase of our research, in early 2010. We have since determined that it fits more within the categories of general citizen engagement and/or activism in areas outside of transparency and accountability, rather than within the specific criteria we have defined for the purposes of our research.
The Online Citizen is an online platform which aims to reflect the views and opinions of ordinary Singaporeans.
TheOnlineCitizen (TOC) was founded in December, 2006 as a community aiming to tell stories about Singapore and Singaporeans that are not being told in the mainstream press. Their hope is to use advocacy journalism to stimulate more civic participation, open government, and free media through the use of online activist initiatives. TOC hopes that through the honest and civil exchange of views, all citizens will benefit and perhaps take public discourse - especially on controversial issues - to a higher and more mature level.
TOC takes on a more critical role than mainstream media by challenging the mindset of policy makers and creating a space for average citizens whose concerns would not be echoed in mainstreamed media. TOC has faced difficulties in registering as a Limited Liability Partnership due to restrictive criteria. They are also still recruiting more committed, contributing writers who are persistent in their reporting. While acknowledging these challenges, Joint-Chief Editor Ravi Philemon optimistically believes that an expansion of civic participation through the use of online tools will allow TOC to continue its mission.
Difficulty in registering as a limited liability partnership, lack of funds, and the need more committed contributors.
Being persistent and adopting an NGO model to raise funds.
Our Vision: To reflect the views and opinions of ordinary Singaporeans. It is a platform which welcomes contributions from the man in the street, the average citizen who is concerned about issues facing our country.
Our Mission: The myth of objectivity by the mainstream media has been torn asunder by numerous citizen journalists. But are all citizen journalists advocacy journalists? We have sites like STOMP which claim to be citizen journalists. But what they really do is introduce greater interactivity to traditional journalism.
Advocacy journalism champions causes and values like civic participation, open government and free media. The advocacy journalist makes no attempt to be “even handed” with the injustices of their day. He or she has seen through the illusory ‘objectivity’ and has assumed partisan positions from every point on the socio-political spectrum. He or she is more of an activist with a blog and hence the name ‘blogivist’.
Being a bunch of blogivists, The Online Citizen will continue to redefine news, through the merger of opinions and reporting – forever blurring the lines between editorial and news. The quasi opinions and veiled ‘viewpoints’ of the mainstream media will be routinely exposed and questioned by The Online Citizen; so that in the end, we will have a better and more inclusive Singapore.
Our Objective: We do not pretend to be right all the time in what we say. We are open to corrections and even criticisms. It is our hope that through the honest and civil exchange of views, all of us will benefit and perhaps take public discourse, especially on controversial issues, to a higher and mature level.
The climate of fear in Singapore.
I have been involved in the homeless issue for many years. After spending some time in the US, I returned home and started working with an agency that helps the homeless. I wrote an article on homelessness, which the mainstream media did not want to publish, but TOC got it published.
We are not only an unofficial but also alternative channel of information.
The government would like to stifle alternative views on information and it is the alternative views that the people are afraid to have.
It was the Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong who said, "The figures are all released, it is just a question of whether you dig it out and publish it. But we will study how to present it, so that it tallies with the objectives we have."
While our viewership is nothing compared to what some of the mainstream newspaper websites receive, nonetheless the people who read us include ministers, Members of Parliament, activists, international news agencies, etc. In short, people who matter most.
An example would be the issue of foreign or migrant workers in Singapore. After our one week campaign on TOC in 2009, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) took action - which include raiding various dormitory sites which houses these workers in atrocious housing. Also, the MOM has also been more answerable after these instances were first highlighted by TOC and later by the mainstream media.
15 hours
100 hours
Our writers are mostly experts in their own field and we often work as a team to bring out the alternative value of the data.
IP addresses.
We have over 4000 fans on Facebook, we twitter, we hold recruitment drives, and via word of mouth.
Google, Facebook, Yahoo. 64% of our audience are from Singapore, 14% are from India, 7% are from the Unites States of America and 7% are from the United Kingdom.
Many aggregation websites in Singapore, including Google News. It motivates us to up our standard.
Quote by politicians, academics and NGOs. TOC believes that it has brought about a more critical perspective than mainstream media, has changed the mindset of policy makers, and has created a space for average citizens whose concern would not be echoed on mainstreamed media.
No incentive except purely intrinsic ones to contribute towards a more inclusive and a better Singapore.
Editorial, Development (fund-raising).
We have to adopt the NGO approach in raising funds.
MARUAH (Singapore Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism) , The Working Committee 2 (TWC2) , Anti-Mandatory Death Campaign are examples of NGOs we have worked with.
We are exploring using technology to crowdsource ideas from the citizens. Examples of these are Open Austin , and Datagov where people are able to submit ideas, comment and build on ideas, vote ideas up and down.
Yes but unofficially on topics where we both agree that there is a need for greater dialogue. We need to be more objective and that objectivity requires more dialogue so that we can understand the issues deeply.
One thing is that our request to register as a Limited Liability partnership was rejected. Secondly, there are sense of censorship. According to Martyn See , there are three tiers of censorship in Singapore: "The 1st tier are the legislations passed by Parliament which restricts freedom of expression. The 2nd tier of censorship are those imposed by government bodies which are authorized by law to draw up guidelines and policies pertaining to political expression. A key feature of this 2nd tier of censorship are the non-transparency and the nebulous nature of its implementation, which leads to a blurring of the the line of what is acceptable and non-acceptable speech. This in turn creates a climate where writers, bloggers, artists and politicians self-censor their speech in order that they do not overstep boundaries. This climate of self-censorship forms the 3rd tier of censorship in Singapore."
Too many to mention - for example, Newasiarepublic.com
Support Site for the Unemployed ; journalism.sg ; Littlespeck
Toward expenses to become semi-professional.
To become semi-professional where our report become more substantial through comprehensive research on different angles.
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