An online information portal covering and monitoring elections in ten African countries and in three languages.
African Elections Project
Posted by Victor Kaonga on Mar 10, 2010
Quick Look
The African Elections Project is a country-specific platform giving the capacity of the media in ICTs in order for them to use it as a tool for election coverage and the provision of elections information and knowledge. It first run in 2008 in Ghana followed later by Cote d ‘lvoire and Guinea in 2009. By March 2010, it has run this project in ten countries including Malawi, Namibia, Botswana, Niger, Guinea, Mozambique, Mauritania and Togo.
It focuses on technology training for senior editors, journalists and reporters. They are also developing an election guide for journalists and civil society organizations and a mobile application to encourage citizens to engage in election monitoring.
A country-specific election portal aggregates election-related news articles, blog posts, photographs, events, and Op-Eds. Some of the countries, such as Ghana, also have detailed information about the candidates and political parties.
Lack of capacity by media groups to use ICT tools. This is true in all ten countries we have worked with, though of course with varying levels of capacity. But in most cases, the media is only coming to terms now with effective use of ICT tools.
Also, a lack of affordable bandwidth. I think this has been the biggest ICT infrastractural challenge. For instance in Malawi, we had to pay heavily to have even a basic connection.
Slow uptake of citizen journalism on the continent.
Democratic process - especially elections - are not yet well established in some countries hence bringing an election specific media project appears threatening to certain establishments by increasing visibility and accountability.
Capacity building for the media in the use of ICTS, stimulating citizen journalism, and advocating for free and fair elections.
A dearth of elections information and knowledge to aid in free and fair elections while promoting accountability and governance monitoring.
Lack of tools for elections information- and knowledge-sharing online coupled with low content generation on the continent.
Also democratic culture is relatively new in Africa, which means that supporting information- and knowledge-sharing culture is just evolving. This is true in most African countries.
There has been a slow uptake by citizen journalists to cover elections, maybe partly due to the fears elections create and also the counter-mechanisms by the competing political entities which mostly use the traditional media outlets like radio and television.
Lastly there are very few new media projects related to elections in Africa. African Elections Projects stands unique in this case.
I was part of the team that conceived of the idea, therefore was part of it from day one in 2008. I have been amazed at how the project has rolled out and the possibilities of using new media it has offered.
Yes, through articles and blog postings to our web platform, especially in the area of voter education.
We do not have any evidence to explain why such information is not provided, but we usually hear from the government that they do not have the resources to provide such information.
It contributes to voter education and creates awareness about the electoral process. It also ensures accountability by the electoral management bodies by making them stakeholders. Information about political parties, manifestos and campaign promises invariably help stakeholders and voters make informed decisions.
Average 10 hours to full time during build up to elections.
Full time for most of the team members and average of 12 hours for others.
Research, content generation and the uploading of content due to low bandwidth in most areas we operate from.
We have in house software we use to process the data plus the use of some web 2.0 tools that enable collaboration. We build engagement through enabling information and knowledge sharing.
Contributors to our website are all registered users, so we have information about them though we do not get the information about persons posting comments since they are not required to register.
Through the exchange of links, by disseminating content in our networks, and by advertising in traditional media. Also, word of mouth.
Word of mouth through mostly online means and referrals.
Contributing local content from an African prospective for the global market thus presenting the African story of elections as opposed to simply relying on foreign (non-African) online publications.
The use of ICTs in elections especially in information and knowledge sharing. Also, providing more online resources for both mainstream journalists as well as citizen journalists.
Marketing and promoting our technical platform in the area of media monitoring, content mangament systems, and SMS to raise funds while at the same time exploring the options of advertising on our online platforms.
FrontlineSMS, Ghana Journalist Association, all Africa, Global Voices, in country news agency, electoral management bodies, MISA, SMSGH, Highway Africa, Media Foundation for West Africa, West African Democracy Radio, OSIWA, OSISA, Media Council of Malawi, Ghana Information network for knowledge sharing, in-country journalist associations.
Yes, our web platform, SMS and media monitoring tools were developed in house plus we customise some web 2.0 for our use as well.
We also developed the following
1. CMS – elections portal
2. Results Manager – for presentation of results graphically, tables and maps
3. SMS System – for news production process, news broadcast and elections observations
4. Media Monitoring System
5. Video content production – customisation.
On a separate note, since we develop own own tools, we have copyright with an option to reproduce with permission.
Yes, on regular basis, including interviews as well.
Freedom of information bills, when enacted, can contribute to access to information for our work.
Otherwise we have so had no legal actions against the website though we had a solicitor letter while covering Malawi Elections on content on the website.
We are currently worked or working in ten African countries (Ghana, Malawi, Mauritania, Togo, Niger, Cote d’Ivoire, Namibia, Mozambique, Botswana and Guinea. Otherwise AEP is original in many ways.
Ushadidi and in-country, elections-related websites like the Nyasa Times.
To train journalists and citizens journalist in the use of ICTs and new media while acquiring tools for them like flip cameras.
To train journalists and citizen journalists in the use of ICTs and new media while acquiring tools for them like flip cameras, satellite internet connection for our newsrooms on the go, a mobile broadcasting system, and to scale up our media monitoring platform.
To cover 10 -15 countries having elections.
Further Questions
What metrics do you use to judge your own success?
- Usage and number of target audience reached using web metrics counted by number of visitors, where they are coming from, which websites are linking to us and repeat visitor
- Number of feedback received
- Number of reposts to other sites
How many visitors come to the AEP Portal? How many unique hits per month?
100,000. The majority of readers come from Europe and North America and are largely citizens of the countries we cover that are living abroad. Our content is reposted on other blogs, tweets, etc, and on other news organisation websites including AllAfrica.
What is the target audience?
Media, journalists, electoral management bodies, citizens and international bodies.
Reviewer's comment
Elections are usually the best and the worst times to a country's people. Bad leaders get 'elected' into office and good ones are robbed of victory.
Africa Elections project is I must say on the right track, because the work they are doing is very important to any person in any country.
The use SMS in election coverage and monitoring is the way to go as this is usually very cost efficient compared with other means. Reaching out to the media also is another good thing they have done.
The only way for this project I am sure is UP!
partnershipand collaboration
This is very interesting.
As a civil soceity organisation based here in bamena north west of cameroon I would like to join the network.
Charles NJI
Executive coordinator
Charmers Media and Communication consults
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