seeks to empower citizens by helping them collectively send petitions and inquiries to government bodies.
Accountability Initiative researches and creates innovative tools to promote transparency and accountability in India's public services.
Pollitika is a collective anti-corruption blog as well as a database of public information.
By tracking the location of the Tunisian presidential plane and comparing it to the location of the Tunisian president, a blogger was able to uncover gross misuse of state funds.
Kuwait Transparency Society is a Transparency International chapter that has established an online database with extensive resources on transparency and fighting corruption.
RosGosZatraty is a database of the Russian government spending.
This website, made by Ukrainian civil rights activists, contains a database of unlawful court decisions.
Elección Visible monitors the process of selecting candidates for Colombia's Constitutional Court.
The Observatorio de Sentencias Judiciales is a database of judicial decisions in Latin America that affect the rights of women.
The objective of Contas Abertas (Open Accounts) is to encourage people to understand and control the use of the budget in governments.