Organization, a key to information access

Vota Inteligente is a new strategy to face the problem of transparency, voting, and organizing information that is available, but not easily accessible, something that has been an issue all along Latin American history. It also deals with the now general hunger for reliable information that grows stronger all along the continent. The fact that researchers with experiences both in observation, presentation of data and direct work, makes this project a tool to ask new and more coherent questions, find new solutions, and present each informative element into different shapes that can be part of other projects devoted to the same kind of problems.

An advantage of this case is the high rate of technological literacy, which backs up a more active participation of the general public. Their key is organization of data to enhance its availability. Also, the use of 2.0 tools is as interesting as it is wider than in other cases seen in the region. Thus, a new eye on legislation and access to information is getting people together through the Web; and this, hopefully, will be one way to push forward the rapid development of the Chilean society towards technology and self-observation that took slow steps in the past.


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